About the Journal
GLS KALP: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (ISSN: 2583-2492) is a quarterly multidisciplinary peer reviewed academic open access journal. The journal aims to focus on contemporary issues currently being debated. The journal provides a literary and intellectual platform for the scholarly analysis of inter-professional collaboration and interdisciplinary academic research various issues. Indexed in Google Scholar
Editorial Policy
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
GLS KALP: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies follow high standard of publication ethics. Any violation/conciliation of facts or manipulation will lead to blacklisting of the delinquents. The manuscript submitted for publications are checked for plagiarism. If the submitted manuscript is detected to be plagiarized, it will be desk rejected and will not be processed further.
Editors Role:
Editorial independence
Manuscript received for publication are reviewed by Editorial board exclusively on the basis of their academic merit which includes importance of the manuscript under consideration, its originality, significant findings, clarity and its relevance to the journal’s scope, without regard to status of the authors’ reputation, position and institutional affiliation and once it is approved by Editorial board members it is assigned to handling editor. The Editor-in-Chief is the deciding authority over entire editorial process and timeliness of the publication.
Editors and editorial staff are also bound by the journal’s policy and will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript except reviewers.
Research Finding:
Fabrication of any sort whatsoever, including selective reporting of data and statistics, with the intent to misguide the readers stands unethical.
Software used: DRILLBIT
Plagiarism (reproducing text from other authors content without properly crediting the source) shall not stand to be acceptable.
Submitting the same article/research paper to more than one journal is unacceptable & unethical. The author(s) must not produce the results of any other author(s) under his/ her/ their own name.
Peer Review Process:
GLS KALP: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies is committed towards upholding highest standards of review procedure and follow double blind peer review policy where authors and reviewers selected are unaware of each other. All the submissions undergo comprehensive review by in house editors and are subsequently allotted to experts for the second stage of blind peer - review.
It is to be noted that both the in- house editorial team and author identities are concealed from the expert reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
For this purpose, the in- house team shall allot serial code numbers to the respective papers, which stand as their identification throughout the process.
To this regard, GLS KALP: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies follows the peer review guidelines as followed by the world’s leading journals.
Publication Policy:
All the submissions should be original.
The Editorial Board will follow the Peer-Review policy for deciding upon the publication of the submissions.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject or edit any article if found unsuitable for public consumption. An article may also be rejected if the Board deems that it might harm the political or religious sensitivity of interested readers in any manner.
Any one author is supposed to send a self- attested copyright declaration form stating the originality of paper and transferring consent of publication to the GLS KALP: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.
Paper once published in GLS KALP: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, author/s cannot republish the same work in any other journal or self-publish without consent of GLS KALP: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.