Singapore’s Response to China-US Rivalry in Southeast Asia Under PM Lee Hsien Loong
China, US, South Asia, Economic Resources, SingaporeAbstract
Singapore has chosen a smart and flexible approach in the competition between China and the US in Southeast Asia. This country has built a close relationship with both sides, aiming to maintain balance and take advantage of benefits from both countries. Singapore acts as a bridge and reliable intermediary, participating in negotiations between China and the US. Singapore also strengthens economic cooperation with other regional countries and international partners, to diversify economic resources and reduce dependence on one side in competition. With its political and economic stability, Singapore has become a reliable partner and important voice in Southeast Asia. Participating in international forums and discussions, Singapore offers its own perspective and contributes to shaping policies and decisions in the competition between China and the US. As a bridge and trusted intermediary, Singapore takes advantage of benefits from both sides and contributes to the stability and development of the region.
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