A Comprehensive Study of Digital Watermarking
Digital watermarking, Watermarking Techniques, Multimedia Data, Malicious Attacks, Security Threats, Image Protection, Image Authentication, Tamper DetectionAbstract
The rapid growth of the world wide web has considerably increased the accessibility and sharing of multimedia data. The availability of various image processing application software and tools has made data susceptible to modifications with higher level of expertise. As a result, the digital assets are facing severe challenges such as violation of copyright and intellectual property rights, security threat etc. It is difficult to ensure that the data received over the internet is same as shared by the owner. The authenticity and the integrity of the multimedia data received or shared over the internet can be preserved by embedding a digital watermark into the original image. The present study performs a comprehensive study of digital watermarking on still images. Some of the most probable threats on the still images are illustrated and a review of significant literature based on various watermarking techniques proposed by researchers over the past few decades is discussed. The main aim of the study is to gain a detailed insight about digital watermarking in order to pursue further research in the said area.
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